Florida Wildlife Advocates
Podcasts Every Thursday at 6pm
Florida Wildlife Advocates
Podcasts Every Thursday at 6pm
Podcasts Every Thursday at 6pm
Podcasts Every Thursday at 6pm
"This amendment addresses an imaginary problem, and could create consequences that are unimaginable, empowering reckless, bloodthirsty idiots and breaking the hearts of Floridians — including the hundreds of thousands of sportsmen-conservationists who love Florida’s wild beauty as deeply as the most tender-hearted bird-huggers. Many of them understand all too well the dangers of untrammeled slaughter. They love hunting and fishing, and they want to preserve a future in which their grandchildren can love it as well."
"The measure on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot preserves the right to “forever fishing and hunting, including by the use of traditional methods, as a public right and preferred means of responsibly managing and controlling fish and wildlife.” Florida law already protects those rights, but proponents say a constitutional amendment is necessary to prevent efforts to ban or curtail them. However, there are no credible proposals to stop Floridians from hunting or fishing. Even if there were, it’s virtually impossible that the conservative Legislature or state regulators would go along. That’s part of the reason Amendment 2 is misleading. "
"This is a ridiculous amendment that doesn’t belong in the state constitution, whether you are an outdoors enthusiast or not.
Florida doesn’t need this language in the state constitution. State law already protects hunting and fishing, and there is no appetite in the Legislature, on either side of the partisan aisle, for that protection to change. These are wildly popular pastimes that are engrained in Florida culture. You might as well amend Florida’s constitution to protect cockroaches, humidity and golf. "
"The Florida Constitution recognizes only a handful of rights, including to worship, speak freely, have privacy and be protected from secretive government. Most of those rights come with exemptions — in some cases, too many exemptions.
But no guardrails constrain a “public right” to fish and hunt. Nothing for private landowners to keep hunters off their land. No carve-out for endangered species. Not even a “please don’t shoot squirrels on a playground where kids are present.”"
“If there were ever a right that doesn't belong enshrined in the Florida Constitution, it's this one. By law, Floridians already enjoy hunting and fishing privileges. The amendment's constitutional promise comes with big problems that should alarm anyone who appreciates the state's wildlife and natural habitats. These three strikes alone warrant rejection. The Post Editorial Board strongly urges voters to vote "no" on this troublesome amendment.”
"TC Palm Editorial Board recommends a NO vote on Amendment 2: “It's been almost 190 years since Florida created its constitution. For the reasons above, we see no reason to change the constitution for something that has never been a source of controversy.”
American Ecosystems, Inc.
Ancient Islands Group of Sierra Club
Animal Law Section - The Florida Bar
Animal Wellness Action
Bear Defenders
Bear Warriors United
Captain Paul Watson Foundation
Center for a Humane Economy
Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund
Charlotte County Democratic Party
Citizen Axis, Inc.
Citrus County Democrats
Clay County Democratic Party
Climate Reality Project, North Broward and Palm Beach County, FL Chapter
CompassionWorks International
Conservancy of Southwest Florida
Conservatives for Conservation
Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida
Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida
DFA Palm Beach County
Dive Time Charters
Dream Green Volusia
Duval County Democratic Party
Earth Ethics, Inc.
Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida
Escambia County Democratic Party
Fix & Feed Feline Feral, Inc.
Florida Democratic Party
Florida Chapter of the Sierra Club
Florida National Organization for Women
Florida Native Plant Society
Florida Rights of Nature Network, Inc.
Florida Voices for Animals
Friends of the Everglades
Hendry Glades Audubon Society
Hernando County Democratic Party
Hillsborough County Democratic Party
Hold The Line Coalition
Humane Wildlife Consulting of South Florida
Humane Society of the United States
Imagine Our Florida
Indian River Democratic Party
Lake County Democratic Party
League of Humane Voters - Florida
Lee County Democratic Party
Manatee County Democratic Party
Marion County Democratic Party
Melina’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Miami-Dade County Democratic Party
Miami Herald Editorial Board
Monroe County Democratic Party
National Council of Jewish Women
NoTo2.org, Political Committee
Octavio Feline Foundation
One Protest
Orange County Democratic Party
Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District
Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board
Palm Beach County Democratic Party
Palm Beach Post Editorial Board
Paws and Recreation
Peace River Audubon Society
Pets Ad Litem
Pinellas County Democratic Party
Polk County Democratic Party
Progressives For Democracy in America - Florida Advisory Board
Progress Florida
Putnam County Democratic Party
River Rise Resort, LLC
Sarasota County Democratic Party
Sarasota Vegan Society
Save the Manatee Club
Seminole County Democratic Party
Sierra Club Central Florida Group
Sierra Club Loxahatchee Group
Sierra Club Volusia/Flagler Group
Solutionary Species
South Florida Wildlands Association
Speak Up for Wildlife, Inc.
Speak Up Wekiva, Inc.
St. Lucie County Democratic Party
Sumter County Democratic Party
Sun Sentinel Editorial Board
Sunrise Movement Orlando
Sunshine State Humane Society
Suwannee County Democrats
Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board
TC Palm Editorial Board
The Plant Based Treaty
Tropical Audubon Society
Wildlife For All
World Animal Protection